The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV, 2021)

Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Wyatt Russell

Synopsis: Following the events of 'Avengers: Endgame,' Sam Wilson/Falcon and Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier team up in a global adventure that tests their abilities -- and their patience.

Verdict: You just know it's a Marvel project when a little blood on a shield comes as a surprise to a lot of people for being "too gruesome compared to the rest of the universe".
I'm just kidding (or am I?), but that was a little funny moment that pretty much summed up my whole experience with the show: it's yet another painfully average Marvel piece of media that knows how to generate hype on the short term but that won't be talked about anymore in a month's time (is anyone still talking about "WandaVision"?). That is not to say that I didn't enjoy a few aspects of it, because I did find its tone to be more appropriate than the other Disney+ show that preceded it. It was as if the creative minds behind it knew exactly what it was and never tried to pretend like it was something more, making the whole thing have a more self-aware approach to its narrative. A narrative that features a very welcomed new addition in Wyatt Russell's John Walker, perhaps the most hated TV character since Game of Thrones' King Joffrey for reasons that are still mysterious to me. The dynamic between Bucky and Sam was also a highlight of the 6-episode long series despite it adopting a rather formulaic buddy cop camaraderie.
However, everything surrounding those few positives significantly brought down the quality of "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier". The story was predictable, the villains were unexciting, the action was stale, the delivery of socio-political innuendos was unsubtle, the few comedic lines were cringe-inducing, the pacing was bumpy... The list goes on but if you've been following the MCU as of late, and you probably have, you likely already know what I'm talking about.
I don't have much else to say about the show. If you're a fan of what Marvel's been offering over the past few years, you will probably enjoy their latest release. If you haven't, you probably won't like it as much. If, like me, you don't want to find yourself in a position where you'll have to play catch up at some point, maybe put it in the background or something?

