Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman
Stars: Shameik Moore, Jake Johnson, Hailee Steinfeld
Runtime: 117 minutes

Synopsis: Teen Miles Morales becomes the Spider-Man of his universe, and must join with five spider-powered individuals from other dimensions to stop a threat for all realities.

Verdict: I very rarely watch films more than once or twice, and yet I've seen "Into the Spider-Verse" a grand total of five times already. That's a stupid number of times considering the fact it only came out a couple of years ago and doesn't really offer much new on rewatches, but I just can't help it. Simply put, it's one of the greatest animated movies of all time, and possibly my favorite one that falls under the superhero umbrella, live-action included.
But what is it about it that keeps inviting me to view it over and over again? It's definitely not the plot, because let's face it, it does follow a standard formula we've grown accustomed to by now. With a few underdeveloped characters, a predictable outcome, and some cheesy lines here and there, it's reminiscent of any narrative found in comic books since the dawn of time. And that's why it's so easy to forgive these issues in that particular case.
Because it's in its presentation that "Into the Spider-Verse" truly comes to life. On the backdrop of an irresistible, high-energy soundtrack, the film quite literally morphs into a three-dimensional graphic novel, turning the previously mentioned issues on their head as they come off as self-aware additions that only make the experience all the more immersive. It's an ambitious route to take and the team behind it absolutely nailed its execution, making every sequence one that you can't help but gaze at in wonder (What's up, danger?).
Heart and humor are also two important components that contributed to the success of the film. It's all so meticulously balanced, only going overboard on a couple of occasions. All of these ingredients combined together earned the movie a historical Oscar and captured the hearts of many moviegoers, mine included. So if you're a fan of comic books, animation, superheroes, or films in general, make sure to cross it off your watchlist if you still haven't for some reason. 

