Se7en (1995)

David Fincher
Stars: Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow
Runtime: 127 minutes

Synopsis: Two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his motives.

Verdict: Hailed as one of David Fincher's finest works, "Se7en" is a vastly captivating crime thriller that works thanks to the gritty atmosphere it builds, gory scenery it presents, and riveting antagonist whose methodical murders made him a force to be reckoned with. His fascination with the seven deadly sins drives the movie, giving it a more psychological feel than other similar neo-noir thrillers that came out over the years. They say that a hero is only as good as his villain, and Fincher was wise enough to understand that the saying also applies to films.
"Se7en" peaks in its final act, but will most certainly keep the audience on the edge of their seats for its entire runtime. However, calling it a perfect film would be an exaggeration as it does have its fair share of missteps, all of which were thankfully masked by its positives. One of the few problems I have with the movie is the fact that it feels like it's trying too hard to come off as cool at times, as suggested by some soundtrack choices, font selections, or inclusion of lines that appear to be taken straight out of a Christopher Nolan feature. Gwyneth Paltrow's role in the narrative is underwhelming, as if she was only written in to serve her purpose in the film's climax. I wish she was given more to do, more screentime to truly establish her character which I believe could've benefited the story. But my biggest issue with the film is simply the fact that it doesn't hold a high rewatchability factor. A second viewing will only point the audience to a few gimmicky foreshadowings sprinkled by Fincher here and there, and my recent enjoyment of a rewatch was only due to the fact that I hadn't watched it in a decade.
"Se7en" is not a film I'll be revisiting soon because I don't see any justification to do so, but there's a reason why it's considered to be an all-time great. It's an impressive debut from Fincher (depending on if you count that Alien movie or not) and certainly the film that put him on the map. An essential watch for all thriller lovers out there.

