The Handmaiden (2016)

Director: Park Chan-wook
Stars: Kim Min-hee, Ha Jung-woo, Kim Tae-ri
Runtime: 169 minutes (extended edition)

Synopsis: A woman is hired as a handmaiden to a Japanese heiress, but secretly she is involved in a plot to defraud her.

Performances: 10/10
Screenplay: 10/10
Editing: 10/10
Cinematography: 10/10
Score/Soundtrack: 9/10

Verdict: In 2019, "Parasite" propelled Korean Cinema into the international scene by deservedly being a box office hit and winning countless awards including the biggest of them all: The Oscar for Best Picture. Bong Joon-ho became an overnight sensation, and people started to slowly discover his very rich and diverse filmography.
But Korean Cinema is far from being restrained to Bong's projects. From Lee Chang-dong to Kim Jee-Woon, the country is the birthland of many of today's most talented filmmakers. And with iconic films such as "Oldboy" or "Thirst", Park Chan-wook without a doubt belongs in that category.
When it comes to erotic psychological thrillers, nobody does it better than him. This is a genre that he's been perfecting for years now, and "The Handmaiden" may be the culmination of these efforts. It's his masterpiece, the movie that will define his career for years to come (though "Oldboy" may give it a run for its money). It's a complex work that only a genius could pull off so perfectly. Without going into the details of the plot (which I recommend staying away from), the story follows the relationship between a newly hired handmaiden and the mistress she's planning to con, which ultimately led to a love triangle involving them and a visiting Count.
It's very easy to praise the movie for its gorgeous cinematography, production and costume designs, or convincing performances, but what truly elevated it for me was the way it was structured. The three-hour runtime (of the extended edition) passed by incredibly fast. I was on the edge of my seat for the entirety of the show, and you can count on Park Chan-wook to use small details such as relatively unnoticeable sound effects to enhance the tense atmosphere that englobes the narrative.
"The Handmaiden" is an instant classic in my book. A film that will be talked about and analyzed for generations to come. It's impressive on nearly every imaginable level and I can guarantee that it will leave a mark on you. Just be aware that it is not for the faint of heart.

