Horse Girl (2020)

Director: Jeff Baena
Stars: Alison Brie, Molly Shannon, Stella Chestnut
Runtime: 104 minutes

Synopsis: A socially awkward woman with a fondness for arts and crafts, horses, and supernatural crime shows finds her increasingly lucid dreams trickling into her waking life.

Performances: 7/10
Screenplay: 5/10
Editing: 6/10
Cinematography: 6/10
Score/Soundtrack: 5/10

Verdict: I'm not entirely sure what to make of the newest Netflix original which premiered at Sundance last month.
Written by Jeff Baena and Alison Brie, who also contributed as the film's director and lead actress respectively, "Horse Girl" came off as both unique and repetitive at the same time. I never felt a consistency in a narrative that confused me more than it intrigued me. And when I say confused, I don't mean the good kind of confusion that comes when watching movies such as "Primer" or "Enemy", but rather the empty one, the one that makes you go "alright that just happened, now what?". I have to say, however, that Brie's performance alone salvaged the experience for me. She was phenomenal, and I don't think I've ever seen her commit to a character in a similar way. She was clearly very passionate about this project and who knows, maybe a lot of other people will as well, it just wasn't really my cup of tea and I don't see myself ever revisiting it or even remembering most of it in a few weeks' time.

