Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019)

Director: Kevin Smith
Stars: Jason Mewes, Kevin Smith, Harley Quinn Smith
Runtime: 105 minutes

Synopsis: Jay and Silent Bob return to Hollywood to stop a reboot of the 'Bluntman and Chronic' movie from getting made.

Performances: 4/10
Screenplay: 2/10
Costumes/Makeup: 3/10
Editing: 4/10
Cinematography: 3/10
Score/Soundtrack: 3/10
Entertainment Factor: 3/10

Verdict: Full disclosure: I love Kevin Smith. In a town filled with money-hungry, superficial celebrities, he stands out as being one that comes off as passionate about the things he makes, whether they're good or bad (and boy has he made some bad ones).
The original "Jay and Silent Bob", which came out back in 2001, is one of my least favorite movies of his. Despite loving the two titular character, I always felt like they worked better as supporting characters and couldn't really carry a movie by themselves. Which is why I was surprised when a sequel (or reboot) to it was announced. And sadly, my doubts were justified as I liked the sequel even less than the original. In it, Kevin Smith attempts to include some commentary on the reboot culture Hollywood is passing through these days. But what Smith misses is the fact that making fun of something by being the very thing you're criticizing doesn't really work. Sure, the set up made it clear that the aim of the film was to make fun of the endless reboots we have to suffer through every year, but it ultimately felt more like an excuse to recycle the same formula used 18 years ago and inject as many cameos, references, lazy jokes, and cringe-worthy lines as possible. The film reminded me of flops such as "Zoolander 2", and it was a chore sitting through it. Quite honestly, the only scene that made me smile was one that appeared mid-credits, and that served as a tribute to Smith's mentor: the late Stan Lee.
Smith hasn't made a good movie in a while (he even pokes fun at himself in one scene), and "Jay and Silent Bob Reboot" is definitely not the movie that will break the curse. It's a harmless, very basic film that one can throw in the background, but sadly not one that will be remembered in a couple of months.

