American Factory (2019)

Director: Steven Bognar, Julia Reichert
Runtime: 115 minutes

Synopsis: In post-industrial Ohio, a Chinese billionaire opens a factory in an abandoned General Motors plant, hiring two thousand Americans. Early days of hope and optimism give way to setbacks as high-tech China clashes with working-class America.

Verdict: "American Factory" was made famous recently for two reasons: It was nominated for an Academy Award in the Best Documentary category and it made Barack Obama's personal list of favorite films of 2019, which isn't really a surprise considering the fact that it was produced by the former president's production company "Higher Ground Production", which he formed alongside his wife Michelle.
And I have to say that I found the documentary to be an absolutely fascinating watch. The film takes place in Ohio, where a Chinese conglomerate decides to open a factory in which he promises to create thousands of jobs for a community that recently was hit with a devastating financial crisis. However, what was first seen as a major step in the right direction for these people quickly turned into a clash of cultures between the somewhat lenient Americans and ruthless Chinese. And that look into the differences between the mentalities of the two biggest superpowers in the world, with an emphasis on their attitude in the workplace, is what made that documentary such an interesting one. There isn't much more I can say about "American Factory" other than watch it. It's available on Netflix to stream alongside a conversation with the Obamas that I recommend checking out after viewing the documentary.
