Wounds (2019)

Director: Babak Anvari
Stars: Armie Hammer, Zazie Beetz, Dakota Johnson
Runtime: 95 minutes

Synopsis: Disturbing and mysterious things begin to happen to a bartender in New Orleans after he picks up a phone left behind at his bar.

Performances: 2/5
Screenplay: 2/5
Special Effects: 2/5
Editing: 3/5
Cinematography: 3/5
Entertainment Factor: 2/5

Verdict: "Wounds" was... bad. No real surprise here, but frustration nonetheless. Directed by Babak Anvari ("Under the Shadow") and starring Armie Hammer, Zazie Beetz, and Dakota Johnson, the psychological thriller had the talent required to work, but failed to grab me even a little.
It felt like a film put together on the go, with no clear vision in mind. The actors seemed lost, the narrative empty for a long time. Despite a somewhat decent first 5 minutes, the film completely derails into nonsense territory where cheese, predictability, and chaos reigned. I was bored, disconnected, patiently staring at moving images that made next to sense to me. The use of shaky cam and quick cuts didn't help make the experience any better. Frankly, the movie felt like a flick directed by M. Night Shyamalan at the start of the decade, only not as unintentionally entertaining.
"Wounds" gets a thumbs down from me. I wasn't expecting much, but I still managed to find myself disappointed with the final product.

