El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019)

Director: Vince Gilligan
Stars: Aaron Paul, Charles Baker, Matt Jones
Runtime: 122 minutes

Synopsis: After escaping Jack and his gang, Jesse Pinkman goes on the run from the police and tries to escape his own inner turmoil.

Performances: 4/5
Screenplay: 3/5
Costumes/Makeup: 4/5
Editing: 3/5
Cinematography: 5/5
Score/Soundtrack: 4/5

Verdict: “Breaking Bad” is a rare instance of a show that had a universally beloved ending. One of its strengths and reasons as to why it’s considered by many to be one of the best series ever made is the fact that it knew when to end its run. And for that reason, I was a little sceptical when the decision to make a movie that takes place after the events of the finale was announced. However, Vince Gilligan’s involvement kept my optimism alive as he has proved time and time again how caring he is of that particular story.
Unfortunately enough, my concerns were met, and I found myself on one hand impressed by the film’s craftsmanship and acting and on the other wondering why the project was greenlit as it came about as totally unnecessary. In terms of content, I thought it was much more inferior to what the riveting last episode offered and more on the level of other shows that feel obliged to close every single story arc while delivering serviceable moments that add nothing but fan-service to the narrative. The script, while well-written overall, did at times feel a little clumsy especially in terms of developing Jesse’s character. A bunch of flashbacks came across as really forced and while I can see a lot of fans taking pleasure in revisiting some of the show’s characters, they really brought the story to a halt. Cheese and plot-conveniences were also present at certain moments, as well as some character decisions that just felt very off.
“El Camino” was fine, but doesn’t really justify its existence. It’s overall a well-made film technically, but there’s undeniably a part of me that wishes that the show ended with the finale. I’m really eager to see what Vince Gilligan has up his sleeve and do hope that he gets to show the extent of his talents with projects unrelated to the “Breaking Bad” lore.

