Between Two Ferns: The Movie (2019)

Director: Scott Aukerman
Stars: Zach Galifianakis, Rekha Shankar, Olivia Mekdara
Runtime: 82 minutes

Synopsis: Zach Galifianakis and his oddball crew take a road trip to complete a series of high-profile celebrity interviews.

Verdict: Just... Why? Why was this movie green-lit? Who thought that it would be a good idea to turn a beloved YouTube series of interview sketches into a film?
I don't know how many times I've watched these sketches conducted by Zach Galifianakis online. I do find the awkward interactions between the host and his well-known guests to be hilarious, and they're also by far the best part of the movie as well. In fact, Galifianakis interviewing the likes of Matthew McConaughey, Keanu Reeves, Brie Larson, David Letterman, Paul Rudd, Awkwafina, Tessa Thompson, Peter Dinklage and a bunch of other celebrities was the only funny aspect of a movie that rather focuses strongly on telling a fictional behind the scenes story in which the crew do stuff to get clicks for Will Ferrell or something. The interviews make up about 10% of the movie and the rest was painfully unfunny, filled with predictable slapstick comedy that didn't even make me grin.
I don't know what I was expecting from this movie but it definitely didn't deliver. I'm all for Funny or Die to bring back the show but I wish they cut the unnecessary and generic BTS story arc and only released the interviews instead.

