Isn't It Romantic (2019)

Director: Todd Strauss-Schulson
Stars: Rebel Wilson, Liam Hemsworth, Adam Devine
Runtime: 89 minutes

Synopsis: A young woman disenchanted with love mysteriously finds herself trapped inside a romantic comedy.

Performances: 4/10
Screenplay: 3/10
Costumes/Makeup: 7/10
Editing: 5/10
Cinematography: 6/10
Score/Soundtrack: 6/10

Verdict: A follow up to Strauss-Schulson's very enjoyable first meta project "The Final Girls" where a group of friends finds themselves trapped in a horror movie, "Isn't It Romantic", which uses the same approach as it follows a character's entrapment in a romantic comedy, was quite the disappointment.
Starring Rebel Wilson as Natalie, the film's biggest problem was in its very unlikable and under-developed characters. Most of Wilson's jokes didn't land, Hemsworth seemed uninterested, and Devine was just playing the same character he's been playing forever. The dialogue, despite it being meta and obviously a parody of other cheesy romantic comedies, still came out as charmless and cringy.
"Isn't It Romantic", in the end, reminded me more of last year's atrocious "I Feel Pretty" than Strauss-Schulson's "The Final Girls", which is a shame considering how much I had fun with the latter. However, it is available on Netflix and can be viewed easily if the concept seems interesting to you.

