Fyre Fraud (2019)

Director: Jenner Furst, Julia Willoughby Nason
Runtime: 96 minutes

Synopsis: A documentary that focuses on the disaster that was the Fyre Festival as well as the man behind it all.

Verdict: A great companion piece to Netflix' documentary around the same subject, "Fyre Fraud" serves more as a study of Billy McFarland's character rather than the festival itself. And while it's definitely interesting and shocking, mostly since it featured interviews with Billy himself, it didn't grab me as much as the one I watched first on Netflix.
McFarland's negligence and passion, as well as his entrepreneur and con artist skills, underlined by interviews with many of his victims and exposure of lies he's been telling for years, were definitely the highlight of "Fyre Fraud", which sadly doesn't do a great job at presenting the obstacles faced during the preparation of what was sold to become a music festival as big as Coachella or Woodstock. This is why I recommend watching this documentary after properly experiencing the one released on Netflix, as it better showcases the extremely poor way the festival was handled, all the while giving you a sneak peek at Billy's character, which is extended in Hulu's "Fyre Fraud".

Final Grade: 7/10
