Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)

Director: David Slade
Stars: Fionn Whitehead, Craig Parkinson, Alice Lowe
Runtime: 90 minutes (on average)

Verdict: When I first heard of Black Mirror's plans of making an interactive feature about 3 months ago, I went completely nuts. Not only because I'm a huge fan of the show, but because the very idea of getting to decide which path you want to take is one I've only seen done in video games before. Having watched about two and half hours of footage out of the supposedly five shot, I can assure you that "Bandersnatch" is not only great, but also revolutionary. It's by far Black Mirror's biggest achievement and one I'm sure will affect the filmmaking game in the future, especially with the rise of streaming services we've been witnessing in the past few years. Now granted, the story is not as captivating as the concept behind it (keep in mind that I still haven't gone through all the possible paths), but it highlights that concept and makes it part of the story in a very smart way. I can't wait to watch the film over and over again, taking a different route on each viewing, and can't recommend it enough to each and everyone of you, Black Mirror fan or not.

Final Grade: 9/10
