Three Identical Strangers (2018)

Director: Tim Wardle
Runtime: 96 minutes

Synopsis: Three young men discover that they are triplets separated at birth in 1980s New York.

Verdict: The premise of this extremely well-received documentary pushed me to watch it even though I don't consider myself a big fan of this particular genre. And while the story of the three brothers is one I found fascinating, it's with the way it was presented that I had my issues. I couldn't help but feel that a lot of what was said in it was exaggerated for dramatic purposes, which is a thing that can't be forgiven in a documentary whose main goal is to tell a story in the most real way possible. I also didn't really find effective the way some revelations were made, which is a shame since some of the twists featured could've been worthy of a Hitchcockian gasp had they been presented as well as in other more realistically made documentaries. "Three Identical Strangers" was not bad overall, but was unfortunately underwhelming in my opinion. 

