Final Destination (2000)

Director: James Wong
Stars: Devon Sawa, Ali Larter, Kerr Smith
Runtime: 98 minutes

Synopsis: A group of friends try to cheat death after escaping it. 

Performances: 3/10
Screenplay: 2/10
Special Effects: 5/10
Costumes/Makeup: 4/10
Editing: 4/10
Cinematography: 3/10
Score/Soundtrack: 3/10

Verdict: Not known for its Oscar-worthy acting or beautiful looking cinematography, "Final Destination" still manages to take you on a fun ride better enjoyed with drunk friends. The people involved were perfectly aware of the ridiculousness of the plot, and embraced it instead of trying to work it out, a decision I admired and that resulted in hilarious scenes that involved creative deaths and dialogue that made me giggle. The film, however, does still have a lot of filler scenes where nothing happens that really killed its momentum. I can't say with a clear conscience that the first installment in the "Final Destination" franchise was a complete disaster, nor that I enjoyed every second of it. It's a perfectly fine movie for what it tried to be, and it made me excited to check out its sequels.  

