This is Spinal Tap (1984)

Director: Rob Reiner
Stars: Rob Reiner, Michael McKean, Christopher Guest
Runtime: 82 minutes

Synopsis: A mockumentary about British hard rock band Spinal Tap.

Performances: 9/10
Screenplay: 6/10
Special Effects: N.A.
Costumes/Makeup: 8/10
Editing: 7/10
Cinematography: 7/10
Score/Soundtrack: 9/10 

Verdict: "This is Spinal Tap" is before anything else a hilarious comedy elevated by the incredibly likable and funny lead characters portrayed magnificently by comedy geniuses. It's also a beautiful sort of love letter to the 1980s and the music industry that made me smile more than once. The soundtrack is one of the best ever written for a movie, and the concerts scene looked genuine and real. The only problem I had with the film was the screenplay which didn't really tell a story and dragged at times. The film is only 82 minutes long but felt a bit longer as a result. "This is Spinal Tap" is still a hilarious mockumentary and still one of the best ever made, and I'd recommend it for the characters alone.

Final Grade: 7/10
