Midnight Sun (2018)

Director: Scott Speer
Stars: Bella Thorne, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Rob Riggle
Runtime: 91 minutes

Synopsis: A teenager falls in love with a girl who suffers from XP, a rare disease that prevents her to be exposed to direct sunlight.

Performances: 5/10
Screenplay: 2/10
Special Effects: N.A.
Costumes/Makeup: 4/10
Editing: 4/10
Cinematography: 5/10
Score/Soundtrack: 3/10

Verdict: Calling this romantic drama cheesy would be undermining how corny and emotionally manipulative it was. It all felt like a huge deja vu that I have literally seen millions of times before. The performances by Bella Thorne and Patrick Schwarzenegger (yes, Arnie's son) were unspecial and dull, just like their characters. The story was incredibly unoriginal, predictable, and paralleled every single film that belongs in the same category. I should also mention that there were a couple of things that really annoyed me from a logical perspective, like the fact that Bella Thorne's character has to spend her days trapped in her house because she has to avoid at all costs sunshine, but the windows in that same house are not covered or anything, which makes no sense at all and kind of ruins that whole gimmick. Everything else, ranging from the score to the editing, was equally unspecial and cliché. If you enjoyed films such as "The Fault in Our Stars" or "A Walk to Remember", chances are you'll enjoy this movie as well. But if like me you're looking for something original and new, this is definitely not the movie for you.

Final Grade: 3/10
