Videodrome (1983)

Director: David Cronenberg
Stars: James Woods, Debbie Harry, Sonja Smits
Runtime: 87 minutes

Synopsis: A TV executive becomes the victim of weird hallucinations after acquiring a new disturbing show for his channel. 

Performances: 8/10
Screenplay: 8/10
Special Effects: 9/10
Costumes/Makeup: 9/10
Editing: 7/10
Cinematography: 9/10
Score/Soundtrack: 8/10 

Verdict: "Videodrome" is a very interestingly unusual and original film that people will either hate or love. It's a horror movie where the monster is something we interact with daily, making the themes of the movie still relevant 35 years later. While the uniquely bold script and the message behind it impressed me, the way Cronenberg shot this techno-surrealist horror flick was equally spectacular. Howard Shore's creepy score is one that will haunt your nightmares for days, and the practical effects used looked terrifyingly real. My issue with the film came mostly in its second half, which I felt wasn't as interesting and absorbing as the first. Andy Warhol described "Videodrome" as being "The Clockwork Orange of the 1980s", and I honestly can't think of a better way to describe it to you. 

Final Grade: 8/10
