Cargo (2017)

Director: Ben Howling, Yolanda Ramke
Stars: Martin Freeman, Anthony Hayes, Susie Porter
Runtime: 105 minutes

Synopsis: A man looks for someone to take care of his daughter in a zombie-infested Australia.

Performances: 5/10
Screenplay: 3/10
Special Effects: N.A.
Costumes/Makeup: 4/10
Editing: 6/10
Cinematography: 6/10
Score/Soundtrack: 4/10 

Verdict: I love Martin Freeman, and I can't think of a movie or TV show with him in it that I disliked, but there's always a first time for everything. "Cargo" is yet another movie taking place in a world taken over by zombies, and in my opinion is one of the weakest ones. Other than the fact that it's filled with cheese and clichés, it also lacked the emotional impact needed to keep us invested, mostly due to the facts that the characters weren't really developed well. Martin Freeman pretty much played himself, and the supporting cast didn't really give convincing performances, which is partly due to the unconvincing material given to them. I also couldn't take the main villain seriously because of this, which wasn't a big problem since his role in the movie wasn't primordial and I feel like he was added to check a box. Another thing that annoyed was the design of the characters. They looked way too clean and healthy for people who had been barely eating for months, and that took away from the authenticity of the movie. "Cargo" felt slightly better than your average "Walking Dead" episode, and I'd recommend watching one of the many other much better films revolving around the same themes instead.   

Final Grade: 4/10

To see how "Cargo" compares to other films released in 2017, click here.
