Deadpool (2016)

Director: Tim Miller
Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller
Runtime: 108 minutes

Synopsis: Fuelled by love and anger, Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool, sets off to find and defeat Francis, the doctor responsible for his horrible disfigurement.    

Performances: 8/10
Screenplay: 7/10
Special Effects: 6/10
Costumes/Makeup: 8/10
Editing: 6/10
Cinematography: 7/10
Score/Soundtrack: 7/10 

Verdict: The first R-rated superhero movie is hilariously self-aware. Despite a pretty straightforward narrative, and some of the jokes feeling forced and cheesy, it's still incredibly entertaining and funny. Ryan Reynold is superb as the Merc with a mouth.

Final Grade: 7/10
