The Greatest Showman (2017)

Director: Michael Gracey
Stars: Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, Zac Efron
Runtime: 105 minutes

Performances: 5/10
Screenplay: 2/10
Special Effects: 3/10
Costumes/Makeup: 5/10
Editing: 5/10
Cinematography: 7/10
Score/Soundtrack: 8/10

Verdict: I love musicals. And when the cast of “The Greatest Showman” was announced, I immediately added it to my watchlist. The movie follows P.T. Barnum and his ambitious project to start the very first circus by hiring “freaks”, causing a big part of New York to stand against him as the project was deemed unethical. The best aspect of the film is by far the very catchy songs written by the same team who made the soundtrack of one “La La Land”. However, I was very disappointed with the musical from a technical point of view. The dialogue was too cheesy and predictable, the costumes too boring, the editing, acting and choreography too safe, and the narrative too messy. But what annoyed me the most was the inorganic integration of most of the songs, and the terrible lip sync that came with them, making the musical look and feel really… fake. I’d certainly recommend buying the soundtrack of “The Greatest Showman” if you already haven’t, as for the movie, it was ultimately disappointing to say the least.  

Final Grade: 4/10
